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Yeah yeah It's Spring!🌱 But I really don’t want you to calm down..
I want you to be fierce! be involved. To care. So little snow fell here this winter... the ground is so dry
And winter was lovely and warm and weird.
I refuse to believe it’s too late. Refuse with me
Join a climate rally, phone your MPP, be informed, be in community, make art, be loud, be quiet
Vote! Such a privilege and the lesser of two evils is still less.
And then, go outside and play!🌲 and you'll know why you did all of the above💚
'We need joy as we need air. We need love as we need water. We need each other as we need the earth to share' _mayaangelou
#wisewomenrise #treelovers #earthishealing #feminineenergy #climatewarriors #ilovesnow #loveisaction #gooutsideandplay
@josh_ostapchuk #familyislove #mysonsshine 💜