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◎Lake Mead October 6, 2023 Hard to depict the magnificence of the scene through images 🌄 #lakemeadnationalrecreationarea #nevada #landscapephotography #naturephotography #fujifilm
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◎Hoover Dam October 6, 2023 #hooverdam #nevada #lanscapephotography #nevadaphotography #fujifilm
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LA sunset + giant gelato cone =🌅✨
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Too good to be true 🏝️ #california #losangeles #lasvegas #julydump
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◎Santa Barbara July 31 2023 #california #santabarbara #streetphotography #landscapephotography #fujifilm
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◎Arizona ☼ Scenic route in Zion National Park ☼ Horseshoe Bend ☼ Grand Canyon ☼ Zion National Park ☼ Just a parking lot #arizona #grandcanyon #zionnationalpark #hourseshoebend #arizonaphotography #landscapephotography #fujifilm
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◎ Antelope Canyon X July 20 2023, 1:00 pm The perfect season and time to see light beams in Antelope Canyon Me couldn’t describe how stunning it is……. #arizona #antelopcanyon #slotcanyons #arizonaphotography #landscapephotography #fujifilm
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◎ Antelope Canyon X July 20 2023, 1:00 pm #arizona #antelopcanyon #slotcanyons #arizonaphotography #landscapephotography #fujifilm
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◎ Antelope Canyon X July 20 2023, 40 °C #arizona #antelopcanyon #slotcanyons #arizonaphotography #landscapephotography #fujifilm
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◎ Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts We spent 4 hours exploring this building no exhibition or event only few students and their works 圖六的部分是一些不明所以的堅持 我們試圖站在難以平衡的東西上 拍攝一些站在地面可能也拍的出來的畫面 然後最後宣告失敗
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There’re lots of parks and green spaces for chilling out in Boston, you’ll feel somehow calm while getting around the city🍃 宜居 is the only words I can say
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◎ World Trade Center This is what it feels like when u r inside the 進撃の巨人’s body